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US Army’s M4 Carbine Replacement Program
The US Army announced Aug. 29 2019 that it has selected three companies to develop prototype service weapons it says will make ground troops more lethal in future battles. The US Army will select a single supplier to manufacture weapons and ammunition for the ground troops. Dubbed the Next-Generation Squad Weapon…
In "Americas"

General Dynamics Proposes Bullup Rifles for US Army’s NGSW Program
General Dynamics has been the most tight-lipped about its submission for US Army's NGSW Program but it has now been confirmed that GD-OTS proposed the General Dynamics RM277 variant for the requirement of the US Army's Next Generation Squad Weapons Program. The RM277 acronym comes from the inch equivalent of the US…
In "Americas"

US Army’s Next Generation Squad Weapons (NGSW) Programme
The Army has published footage of soldiers giving the service's much-hyped next-generation squad weapon prototypes a workout on a military range. In a video addressing the 2020 Maneuver Warfighter Conference back in September, Brig. Gen. David Hodne of the Soldier Lethality Cross-Functional Team provided a detailed update on several high-tech initiatives for…
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