Russia Indefinitely Postponed Repair Of Admiral Kuznetsov

Admiral Kuznetsov is on fire.

The repair of the Russian aircraft carrier “Admiral Kuznetsov” was postponed indefinitely several days after Russia trumpeted its return.

Despite earlier statements that the repairs of the Russian heavy aircraft-carrying cruiser Admiral Kuznetsov were going ahead even ahead of schedule, it became known that the completion of the repair work is disrupted due to the unavailability of a dry dock that can overhaul the aircraft carrier. According to information obtained by GDC, the date for the completion of the repair of the Russian aircraft carrier and the tests of the aircraft carrier were postponed indefinitely.

The repair contract ends in 2023, but we will come out for testing a little later than scheduled due to a number of technical problems associated with the supply of repair equipment, said General Director of the United Shipbuilding Corporation Alexey Rakhmanov.

At the same time, there is clarifying information – the repair of the Russian aircraft carrier is planned to be completed when budget and equipment are available. Due to technical problems, the nature and circumstances of which are not specified, the Russian aircraft carrier “Admiral Kuznetsov” will not be repaired now.

At what stage the repair work of the only Russian aircraft carrier and its fate unknown according to United Shipbuilding.

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