Inaccurate FAB-500 is the primary reason Russia lost so many aircraft in Ukraine war

Russian air force Sukhoi Su-35 fighters streaked toward Sumy in northeastern Ukraine—and lobbed, for the first time, new kinds of munitions for the Russians: satellite-guided KAB bombs with pop-out wings.

The KABs aren’t terribly accurate, likely owing to the relative imprecision of Russia’s satellite-positioning network, but they’re accurate enough to deliver hundreds of pounds of high explosives and burst a buried bunker or topple a fortified building.

More importantly, the KABs range as far as 25 miles, allowing Russian pilots to release them from beyond the range of Ukraine’s most numerous front-line air-defenses. Reading the tea leaves last year, retired British intelligence officer Sergio Miller voiced a warning. “Ukrainian air-defenders have no answer to glide-bombs launched from the sanctuary of Russian air space,” Miller wrote. “This is a … serious threat.”

Miller was right about the seriousness of the threat. But he was wrong about Ukrainian air-defenders. They do have an answer to the glide-bombers: their three batteries of American-made Patriot surface-to-air missiles.

In five days, Ukrainian forces—likely Patriot crews firing 90-mile-range PAC-2 missiles—have shot down seven Sukhoi glide-bombers: five twin-seat Su-34s and two single-seat Su-35s.

The Ukrainian defense ministry announced the seventh shoot-down, which reportedly took place somewhere over Russian-occupied eastern Ukraine, on Wednesday. “Again? Again!” the ministry quipped. “The day when enemy planes fall is a great day.”

Intercepting the plane that drops the KAB isn’t just possible—it’s fairly straightforward for an experienced air-defense crew with the right hardware. That’s because a glide-bomb works best when launched from altitude. And the higher a pilot climbs, the easier he is for enemy air-defenders to detect on radar—and engage with a missile.

It should come as no surprise that the Ukrainian air force is prioritizing operations targeting Russia’s glide-bombers. The KABs—many hundreds of them—were instrumental in Russia’s successful conquest of the eastern city of Avdiivka following a bloody, four-month battle that culminated last week.

“Avdiivka is KAB,” wrote Egor Sugar, a soldier with the Ukrainian army’s 3rd Assault Brigade. “There is a feeling that this is the largest number of aerial bombs on such a piece of land in the entire time of the existence of mankind.” The glide-bombs demolished the urban strong-points the Ukrainians depended on to hold Avdiivka.

Losing Avdiivka lit a fire under the Ukrainian air force. Where before, it was more cautious about deploying some of its Patriot quad-launchers—around 26 of which it got as donations from Germany, The Netherlands and the United States—near the front line, today the air force is more aggressive.

It’s apparent at least a few launchers are within 30 miles of the line of contact in eastern Ukraine. We know this because, on Saturday, an apparent Patriot shot down an Su-34 60 miles east of the line. Recall: Ukraine’s PAC-2 missiles range just 90 miles.

In getting more aggressive with its Patriots, the Ukrainian air force has tipped the air-defense scales in its favor. The Russian air force is losing its best fighter-bombers at a rate it cannot sustain. Seven shoot-downs in five days points to a monthly loss rate of more than 40 jets. The Russian air force has 250 or so Su-34s and Su-35s left. At this rate, both types could go extinct in six months.

The Kremlin knows it has a Patriot problem. It already has begun taking steps to mitigate the risk, starting with new flight-paths for its most valuable planes. “Russian forces are increasingly operating A-50 long-range radar detection aircraft closer to Russian borders and in the direction of Belarus due to recent successful Ukrainian shoot-downs of Russian aircraft,” the Institute for the Study of War in Washington, D.C. explained.

Reducing the risk to the glide-bombers is harder. They must fly to within 25 miles of the front in order to drop their bombs. Sukhoi pilots have no choice but to brave the Patriot shooting gallery.

They may win the air-defense battle through sheer endurance, however. The Untied States was Ukraine’s biggest donor of Patriot missiles, and Russia-aligned Republicans in the U.S Congress blocked further U.S. aid to Ukraine starting in October.

Four months later, Ukraine’s stock of Patriots is “dropping to a critical level,” according to Anton Gerashchenko, a former advisor to the Ukrainian interior ministry.

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